Leaps in Learning, LLC
Reading Tutor Columbia CT
Private Tutor, Homeschool Help, Tutoring Grades K-12
Accommodating students in Columbia, Glastonbury, Bolton, Hebron, Marlborough, Mansfield, and additional towns throughout eastern and central Connecticut
- Certified teacher with over thirty years of experience.
- Specializing in K-12 reading and writing instruction.
- Non-readers of any age, Pre-K, Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle & High School reading/writing levels, learning disabilities, Special Education, and dyslexia.
Ask The Reading Tutor
Why Do Children Fall Behind In School?
In my experience, children typically fall behind in school due to some form of lack of instruction. Perhaps they missed the instruction due to an absence, weren’t paying close enough attention when the lesson was presented, the material wasn’t repeated, or it wasn’t presented in their preferential learning style. Of course there are many reasons children don’t perform well in a subject area or fall behind. Be that as it may, offering customized lessons through tutoring and homeschooling tailored to specific educational needs is the key to success now and in the future.
How does phonics instruction impact beginning readers?
Early phonics instruction improves a child’s ability to decode words with confidence. The pacing of phonics instruction can be individualized in a private tutoring setting. Furthermore, pacing depends on how quickly a child is mastering the material. In this way, pacing is adjusted to assure student mastery. Strong decoding skills, along with great word analysis skills, are important for reading success. Therefore, it becomes crucial for children to learn these skills early or remediate them at the first sign of difficulty. All areas of reading, writing and phonics may need individualized instruction. Lessons being taught in a flexible tutoring or homeschooling setting provide further benefit to the student. With lessons designed specifically for your child’s progress, you can count on success!